Administrative Information
Written proposals are prepared as requested without cost or obligation.
Fees for our services are dependent upon the complexity and extent of a project and upon the personnel to be used. Various contractual schemes usual to consulting and engineering may be used, including:
- Firm Fixed Price (normal for a well-defined project)
- Time & Expense (hourly rates by classification, plus direct expenses at cost)
- Cost Plus Fixed Fee (used for many government projects)
NPTS, Inc. is rated by Dun & Bradstreet #118794148.
NPTS, Inc. carries and maintains adequate protection to fulfill its contractual requirements.
Accounting practices are in accordance with the accrual method of accounting for tax and financial reporting purposes. NPTS, Inc. adopts the calendar year as its fiscal year.
Invoices are sent monthly or in accordance with a progress schedule or contract pre-agreement and are payable upon presentation and/or as contract pre-agreement.
NPTS, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer (EEO). An Affirmative Action Policy (AAP) for hiring, training minorities and handicapped persons is underway.
NPTS, Inc. is a 100% Minority Owned Corporation registered with the Small Business Administration.