Welcome to NPTS, Inc.
Energy & Utilities
Our recruiters connect our clients with a wide range of talent across the nuclear, petrochem/fossil, electric transmission & distribution, construction, power, utilities and alternative energy industries. NPTS, Inc. experience and expertise finds the talent needed to ensure your operations run smoothly and at peak efficiency. Our skilled candidates range from designers, technicians, engineers, quality inspectors, project managers and more. We partner with every client and each candidate to ensure that every placement is a mutual fit.
If you’re looking for top talent, below is a sample of the talent we specialize in. If you don’t see what you are looking for here Contact Us today to learn more.
Our Energy & Utilities Expertise Includes
- Civil Engineers
- Construction Specialists/Engineers
- Designers
- Drafters
- Electrical Engineers
- Electricians
- Energy Managers
- Field Technicians
- Industrial Engineers
- Inspectors (QA/QC)
- Instructors
- Maintenance Technicians
- Managers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Nuclear Engineers
- Operators
- Pipeline Engineers
- Piping Designers
- Planners/Schedulers
- Power Engineers
- Project Management
- Service Technicians
- Substation Engineers