Electrical Design
NPTS, Inc. provides complete engineering and consulting services to the power industry for plant electrical design, analysis and installation. Our professionals can assist you from short circuit and load analysis through sizing of motors, transformers, switchgear and reels to space allocation and component layout.
Instrumentation and Control
NPTS, Inc. provides complete engineering and consulting services for plant instrumentation and control sytem design, analysis and installation. Our experienced professionals can assist you in new design as well as in upgrading existing systems.

Mechanical Design
NPTS has developed a series of specifications and procedures for evaluating plant systems and equipment, walkdowns and “as-built” verification of systems design.
We are capable of providing experienced professionals to assist you in all phases of design and analysis of power plant mechanical systems.
ISI/IST Engineering
NPTS, Inc. provides extensive ASME Section XI ISI/IST replacement engineering assistance to the nuclear industry. Listed below is a summary of the services provided:
- ISI/IST Program Development
- ISI/IST Procedures
- Pump and Valve Programs
- Weld Programs
- ISI Drawings
- Program Implementation
- CIV Test Programs and Procedures

Human Factors Engineering
NPTS, Inc. provides experienced professionals in the field of Human Factors Engineering.
The NPTS, Inc. Human Factors Engineering Services includes control room design review and modifications, equipment specification review, task analysis, display system evaluations, operating procedure improvement and simulation research. Services provided are as follows:
- Control Room Design Review
- Emergency Operating Procedure Upgrades
- Control Room Upgrades
- Annunciator System Design Reviews
- Control Room Design Change and Modifications
- System Function and Task Analysis
- Verification and Validation
- Plant Component Labeling
- Local Control Station Design Review and Modification