Staff Augmentation


Staff Augmentation


NPTS, Inc. provides quality professionals to the Nuclear Industry. Our personnel are selected for their experience, competence and professionalism. Qualified personnel are provided on a full-time or on an as-needed basis during refueling and scheduled outages. NPTS, Inc. temporary support is both cost effective and efficient for satisfying personnel needs or special situations. NPTS, Inc. provides training and proficiency testing to assure that only individuals who meet or exceed ANSI standard requirements are assigned to your facility.

  • Design Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, I&C, Civil, Structural)
  • Field Engineers (All Disciplines)
  • Resident Engineering & Start-up (Commissioning Engineers)
  • Maintenance
  • Scheduling
  • Planning
  • Licensing
  • Outage

NPTS, Inc. is an established and reliable supplier of professional and technical services primarily to the power industry. NPTS, Inc. utilizes unique concepts to obtain and maintain the highest quality of individuals.

Engineering Staff Support

NPTS, Inc. Inc. provides engineers of the highest caliber to supplement a utility’s staff or to provide independent consulting. Our professionals are experienced in the commercial nuclear industry and are aware of all appropriate regulatory requirements and understand the implementation aspects necessary to make a program both efficient and effective.

Maintenance Technical Support

NPTS, Inc. provides highly qualified professionals to assist a utility’s staff on a short-term and/or long-term basis.

NPTS, Inc. technicians and supervisors are experienced in advanced techniques of instrumentation, electrical and mechanical maintenance.

  • Instrumentation & Control Supervisors and Technicians
  • Electrical Maintenance Supervisors and Technicians
  • Mechanical Maintenance Supervisors and Technicians