NPTS, Inc. provides outage support personnel to the nuclear industry in the following disciplines:
- Outage Coordination
- Outage Planning and Scheduling
- Field Engineering Services
- Field Quality Control Inspection Service
- Maintenance Engineering Services
- Modification Supervision
- Startup and Test Engineers
- Craft Labor & Field Supervision
NPTS, Inc. Management Staff of Engineers and Specialists possess technical knowledge and experience in many facets of plant operation, maintenance and engineering to fulfill the responsibilities endured by our clients.
Licensing Support
NPTS, Inc. provides services to support utility needs in the areas of nuclear licensing, licensing engineering and licensing support systems & programs.
The extent and diversity of experienced professionals provided are exemplified as follows:
- Development of recommended licensing strategies and positions (including supporting basis) for minimizing the impact of regulatory initiatives.
- Support of utility licensing and regulatory compliance staff in the review of regulatory initiatives (e.g. generic letters, bulletins, 6 information notices) and in the coordination and preparation of NRC Responses.
- Support of utility staff in the management, tracking and resolution of open items and licensing issues.
Decommissioning Services
NPTS, Inc. offers a complete range of engineering and technical support services to commercial, research production and government nuclear facilities. Our services are specific to individual client needs on a project or staff augmentation basis.
These are:
- Licensing and Regulatory Interface
- Decommissioning Planning and Scheduling
- Structural Dismantling
- Experienced Decommissioning Health Physics Personnel
- Equipment Operators
- Decontamination Personnel
- Decommissioning Procedure and Program Development
Radiation Protection Services
NPTS, Inc. provides the nuclear industry with a broad based spectrum of radiological and decommissioning services. The extent and diversity of our services includes but is not limited to; radiological engineering, radwaste management, decontamination and health physics professionals.
We currently offer services in the following areas:
- Health Physics
- Chemistry / Radiochemistry
- Emergency Preparedness
- Environmental / Effluent Management
- Radioactive Waste Management
- Dosimetry
- Training
- Engineers (Radiological, Radwaste, etc.)
- Lead Radiation Protection Technicians
- Nuclear Registered Radiation Protection Technicians (NRRPT).
- Sr. Radiation Protection Technicians; Qualified Per ANSI 3.1 & 18.1
- Jr. Radiation Protection Technicians
- Radiation Instrumentation I&C Technicians
- Dosimetry Technicians (Sr., Jr., etc.)
- Radwaste Operations Support
- Instructional Technologist
- GET Training
- Health Physics Technicians Training 10 CFR 20
- HP Procedure and Program Developers

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